Below is a collection of superb programs, utilities and games which I think are fantastic, especially those I made!

Internet utilities:
	1) 0entryle
	Descripton: A kind of program that can allow you entrance 
                    into a server that requires password even if 
                    you don't know it! Have not really tested it and 
                    use at at your own risk! Definitely not created by me! 	

	2) Homesite
	Description: That is the freeware program that I used 
                     to create this astonishingly great website!

	1) ScissorsPS!
	Description: The first and most unsuccessful game but 
                     still good enough to provide you with 2 minutes 
                     of enjoyment!

	2) Shot'em Out
	Description: My second and most well known and 
                     successful game. A kind of shot'em up game 
                     like virtua cop but much more fun involved.
                     If you want the password for the extra target, 
                     e-mial me and add a reason why you should have it.
	3) MasterMind
	Description: Mastermind game. Quite good and fun but 
		     too smart a computer.

	5) Whack
	Description: I highly recommend this game which provides lots 
	             of fun. Remember playing a game where some birds 
                     stick their heads out of some holes and you whack them.

	6) Pimples
	Description: A rather funny but unentertaining game. Worth a try.

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